Tim's Gone Mad, Hasn't He? - Part 1

Suzie: No, why?
Marty: You're laughing, aren't you? You've seen it, haven't you?
Suzie: I don't know what you're talking about. :begins to laugh uncontrolably:
Marty: I'm talking about the poster hanging in Tim's dressing room! :holds up poster:
Marty (cont): I mean, what the hell is it?
Marty: You know, Tim's really startin' to freak me out...I'm kinda hopin' I don't win this thing now.
Suzie: Why?
Marty: If this is his behavior now, imagine what'll happen if I win!
Edited to note: The Marty-girl poster was not created by me, it was made by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous.
This is too too funny! Keep em coming tooks! You're the best!
LMAO Tooks! Too Funny!
OK, but that poster is just so wrong. I've got to go find a sexy Marty picture to get that image out of my head!
So wrong, but so funny!
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