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The tour is going really really well so far...we've been incredibly busy.
But thankfully the guys have been relatively mature and have refraned from playing pranks on each other.(Dino: :amid suppressed laughter: Yeah, Marty, your hair looks killer...that ballon Billy rubbed on your head had no effect whatsoever.)
And, despite a rocky start they've been getting along really well with JD and all the INXS guys.
(JD: :thinks: Can't take them anymore...)
The fans have been great, I'm really shocked at the shear amount of people that know and dig us in every city!
Bobby really seems to be enjoying the female fans most of all!
I hope to write to you again soon, Mom...like I said, very busy.
Give my love to everyone back home...the guys ask that you do the same for them!!! See you again soon!
Your Son,
Marty Casey
JD seems to be missing his head. Ya suppose it's up his... uh, nevermind..
ooh, bad, shugar! But soo funny.
Marty is such a sweet boy to keep in touch with his Mama. Love that guy ... :-D
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