The Tour So Far for Dino K

Audience: Encore encore!!!
Dino: :thinks: Oh, for fuck's sake!!!

Bobby: Oh my gawd, man, what the fuck are you doin'?
Dino: What? I'm drinking.
Bobby: From JD's cup!
Dino: :spits: Aw, nasty!!! JDork cooties!!!
Bobby: Man, this is just not your month.

Dino: :thinks: Note to self: Self, do not drink a bottle of Jack Daniels' worth of Jack & Cokes the night before a promo-gig.
I love it - JDork! That's what I call him too! Poor, poor Dino...
Poor Dino, he must be hanging around with StivOO and Moist Rub ... quit giving Dino those Jack 'n' Cokes, guys!
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