Friday, August 11, 2006

Love Off: The Hammer is Thrown

Bobby: Dino, don't tell Marty this but I'm getting laid WAY more than he is on this tour.

Dino: ...Yeah alright...Hey, did Billy take one of my beers?

Bobby: I'm serious man, don't tell Marty. He'll get all competitive and shit.

Dino: Don't worry, I won't tell him a thing...Damn it, I coulda sworn I had three beers.

The next show...
Dino: Dude, don't tell Bobby I told you this but he says he's getting laid more than you.

Marty: Oh really???

Marty: Hey Bobby!!! ....You really think you get laid more than me??? Bullshit man...I get double the chicks you do!!! In fact, let's take a count...the number of chicks I get over the next few shows versus the number you get!!! How's that sound, huh!?!

Bobby: ...You know I'm gonna kick your balls in for starting this, don't you?

Dino: Oh I pretty much assumed that.

Bobby: Then why the fuck did you do it?

Dino: I figured it'd be worth it anyway...

...So I have no clue where this is actually going but I imagine some sort of "Love Off" between the Marty and Bobby- hence the lame-ass shitty title, haha!! --- Honestly, though, it's probably just my subconsious's excuse to put up hot pics of the two of them in the up-coming episodes or something, lol. Thanks to all those who said I could use their's too late for me to remember exactly who you are but I really do appreciate it! :D --Tooks ;-)


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