Tim's Gone Mad, Hasn't He? - Part 4

JD: Uuuuh, get off me.
Tim: No! You're mine now...all mine! It's why I picked you, you know...the crotch grabbing, the tats; your whole bad boy image turns me on. Now that you're mine you can't refuse me, ever!
JD: You've got to be kidding me...
Kirk: He's not...you're his slave now.
JD: Damn it, Tim, stop pinching my nipple!
Kirk: You really need to read through your contract better, mate.
Tim: No!!! There are so many surprises yet to come!
JD: Marty would never have been this stupid.
Kirk: Why do you think Tim let him go?
That picture is SERIOUSLY disturbing...
LoL! These are all so funny! Awesome stuff
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