Giving JD His Due

Billy: He's gotta be!
Bobby: Ya know, I don't think he is...
Marty: No, I'm not kidding. You each have to say one good thing about the! I'll go first...JD won fair and square.
Billy: Oh, that's a good one!
Dino: Yeah, can we have that one?
Marty: No!
Dino: Okay then mine
...kola bears seem to like him...

Bobby: My turn now? ....Okay then, how about, unlike you, Marty, I don't hafta stare at his ass during every concert a play at?
Rest of guys: :laughing:

Marty: Oh, haha guys...very funny!!!! ...Ya know what? Forget it.
Hi JD fans...this was for you, kinda. So, um, hope you stick around even though I'll no doubt be mocking your beloved JD "The Pretty" Fortune as I tend to do. Well, later folks! --Tooks ;-)
ha ha ha, Tooks!
You are so creative with these! Thanks for the laugh.
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