One Night at the Rockstar Mansion - by "F"
“What can we do, we should be living like ROCKSTAAARS!!” says Marty.

“Hmmm,” says JD.
“I know, I know! Let’s do some craaazy shit!” Marty exclaims.
“Dude! You’re alright!!! I’m all about crazy. But I can be serious too, look, what do you think? It’s my serious face. Pretty f’in cool eh?” giggles JD.
“Yeah, whatever. Cut out the shit and listen up – I’m gonna give you a sermon about the crazy shit we can get up to!” Marty says, after rolling his eyes over JD’s “serious pose”.
“Hey, I’m all ears baby, sing at me!”
“I know! Let’s bust out of the mansion and crash a gay bar! Weeeeehooooooo” yells Marty. “Fuckin A! I’m all about gay, did you see me plant one on Navarro? Yeah! Boyyyyyy!”
Marty and JD run off together.
“Hey guys! Wait for me!” MiG yells breathlessly as he runs to catch up. “I know what you two are up to, you crazy devils!” he adds, pointing at them. He quickly changes into his gay bar outfit and does his hair.
The three rockers reach the impenetrable wall surrounding the Rockstar mansion.
Marty & JD bound fearlessly over the wall and then celebrate their daring escape. “We’re free, we’re free, we’re free!” they shout, jumping up and down like schoolgirls
Meanwhile, MiG tries valiantly to climb the wall. Alas, he cannot make it. “Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” he cries, “I wanted to go too!!!!!!”
Marty drinks up and has a great time partying with everyone.
Meanwhile JD parties it up and tries to get lucky.
“Hey, you like what you see…I know you do,” he says in his deepest come-hither voice, forgetting that he is at a gay bar.Most of the patrons won’t give him the time of day as they walk past thinking, “please tell me that’s a cigarette and not his dick, it’s so thin!” However, he eventually succeeds in getting lucky, realizing too late what getting lucky at a gay bar means.
“Ohhhhh my asss!” he says as he struggles to pull his pants up. But he soon recovers in the usual way.
“Oh yeah, that was oooooooooooooooooooooooo-kay.”
The two return to the mansion and the next day Marty & the other rockers laugh as they watch the footage of JD’s antics captured on Marty’s cell phone and emailed to all.
“Boy did I miss out!” sighs MiG.
“I think I’m getting aroused,” Ty says to himself.
“What an idiot that Fortune kid is!” laughs Jordis.
“I think I might be sick,” says Suzie.
“Fuck yeah! That was good times!” says Marty.
Okay dear readers, this one was especially hard to create as blogger has been a raging asshole lately - this PicFic was started, re-started, posted, edited, posted again, deleted, re-started, and then I had to put about half of the images in via their codes!!! That being said, I find the ordeal entirely worth it cause when I first read this PicFic a nearly fell off my chair laughing so hard.
All the credit goes to "F" aka "Enough About Me" (EAM) from the LeperPop boards(LeperHouse). Give him/her - cause I'd hate to assume either way, haha - some love for this great take on what happened when Marty and JD snuck outta the mansion and into that infamous bar. --Tooks ;-)
I said give him/her love!!! This is funny damn it!!!
Hehe. Mig climbs the wall. Too funny!
Laughed my ass off . . .until I saw a hint of JD's ass. Now I'm ill!
(p.s. poor MIG!!)
LOL OK, still laughing my ass off.
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