Marty Posts - Tooks Goes Into Overdrive

MiG: Hey, Brandon, did ya heah that Mahty post to a bunch of his fans at this site called "The Sistahhood of Mahty Casey"?
Brandon: No, what is that anyway?
MiG: I think it's some type of brothel...anyway he used the same user name as on his other fan site,, and the commentor here.
Brandon: That so?
MiG: Yeah, it's got Tooks all excited so she's decided to post overtime in hopes of gettin him to comment again. She's already done three tonight!
Brandon: least there will be more funny shit to read...
--Okay...this wasn't really that funny, but what do you want from me? It's 2:30am where I live, please let the shittiness of this post slide - I promise to improve with more sleep.
Yes, it was funny. I cracked up over the brothel comment. Does this mean we're brothel dwellers?
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