Greeting the Chicago Way - A Slightly Morbid PicFic by A86

JD: Hey guys, this is our last night, so can I ask you something?
MiG: Sure JD.
JD: Will you guys go to the ends of th--
Marty & MiG: NO!!!!
Later that night...
JD: Hey MiG...
MiG: What is it?
JD: Why is Marty always flipping me the bird? He does that a lot...
MiG (frowns): You mean he didn't tell you?
JD (gets excited): Didn't tell me what MiG?
MiG: He's not flipping you off! That's the traditional Chicagoan form of greeting!
JD (big eyes): Really??
MiG (feigning seriousness): Oh yes. You should definitely try it next time you're over there.
JD: Thanks MiG!^^
A week later...
Newscaster: Yesterday, Mr. JD Fortune, the new lead singer of INXS was brutally murdered by an enraged mob in the streets of Chicago.
Marty: Damn...what did he do?
Newscaster: Eye witnesses claim that Mr. Fortune was flipping off everyone he saw while grinning merrily. As he was engulfed by the mob, he reportedly screamed "I was just saying hello!!!!"
MiG: Oh...crap...
Marty: What?
MiG: I didn't think he would believe me...
Marty: MiG? What did you tell him?
MiG: I told him that you flipping the bird was the customary Chicagoan greeting. I didn't think he would actually DO it!
Marty: Dammit MiG! You KNOW how gullible that boy is! Now what?
MiG: I dunno. Orange?
Marty: Sure.
Newscaster: That was the elebben o'clock news. Good night.
(MiG & Marty both freeze and stare at the TV set in horror)
Marty: Did that just say what I think it did?
MiG: Couldn't have...
Both: Nah…
This was done entirely by Ayesa86 on the board and she was gracious enough to give me permission to post it here...Give her some love guys!!! Tooks ;-)
I said give her some love, damn it!!! This PicFic is funny as hell and you know it!
That is so hilarious I almost got in trouble at work for laughing too loud.
LoL! I liked it! Who doesnt luv a slightly morbid pic fic? lol!
This is hilarious. Thanks for sharing it. Chicago Greeting..Ha ha ha
All my love A86..that was great!
A86, I read it there and I read it here. Electric or acoustic, it's a great funny read.
Love to ya! :-D
ROFL...I love it A86...brilliant!
CLASSIC Ayesa baby! LMFAO!
Heather ;)
This is funny as Hell!!!!!!! And I LOVE JD Fortune!!!!!!! You girls are too hilarious...laughing so hard, people are looking at me like I'm crazy.
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