Car Trouble aka This Is What Happens When There Is Nothing On TV - by Luna

MiG: Wheeeee!!! Feel the wind in your hair!
Marty: Um...who's driving the car? And why are we facing the back of the car?
Bobby: We sure are going pretty fast considering the fact that MiG's feet don't even touch the pedals.
Billy: why did Marty have to have the last beer?
Dino: Why are we in this fucking car?!?
This was created by Luna around the time of Marty's "'Car" diary entry...sadly I got distracted and then forgot of it's genius until recently. I added a title (though the "This is what happens..." bit was the preface Luna used when first posting it) and only slight chages so that it conforms to the general PicFic look. Hope ya'll liked it, give Luna some love! --Tooks ;-)
PS: My PicFicVid is now available on MySpace!!! So, um, ya'll are free to add it to you MySpace pages, send it to others, comment on it and rate it, or add it to your "favorites"...ya know, whatever!